Yoast SEO

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.


Supercharge your website’s visibility and attract organic traffic with Yoast SEO, the WordPress SEO plugin trusted by millions worldwide.

With those millions of users, we’ve definitely helped someone like you! Users of our plugin range from owners of small-town bakeries and local physical stores to some of the world’s largest and most influential organizations. And we’ve done this since 2008!

Yoast SEO Free provides the essentials to kickstart your SEO, and the Yoast SEO Premium plugin and its extensions unlock extra tools and functionality to take your SEO to the next level.


SEO is the most consistent and cost-effective website traffic source, but it can be a challenging and complex maze. Luckily, you don’t have to do this alone. We’re here to help!

Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned expert, Yoast SEO equips you with all the essentials to navigate the complexities of SEO, turning those challenges into opportunities for growth and success.


Creating engaging and optimized SEO titles and meta descriptions has never been easier, faster, and more precise! With our latest feature, the AI title & meta description generator, you’ll certainly save time. The feature is currently in beta and is available for Yoast SEO Premium users.


Are you agonizing over the intricate details of search engine optimization? Are you losing sleep trying to crack the code of SEO algorithms? Is the ever-evolving landscape of SEO leaving you overwhelmed and behind the curve?

These are the common struggles website owners face when trying to master the art of SEO and gain that coveted top spot in search results.

With Yoast SEO, you can overcome these challenges and unlock extraordinary gains:

  • Beat the competition: Leave your rivals in the dust with our powerful SEO tools. Outperform industry competitors and enjoy the traffic and recognition you deserve.

  • Streamline your SEO strategy: Bid farewell to the complexities of SEO. Yoast SEO handles the technical aspects, such as canonical URLs and meta tags, automating essential optimizations behind the scenes. Unleash your focus on creating captivating content that connects with your audience.

  • Climb those rankings: Take advantage of advanced features like XML sitemaps, title and meta description templating, and Schema.org structured data integration. Empower search engines to fully understand and appreciate your website, helping you reach the top of search results.

  • Optimize content mastery: Yoast SEO offers comprehensive analysis tools that help elevate your content’s SEO and readability. Get powerful insights and actionable recommendations to craft extraordinary content that resonates with readers and search engines. But there’s more! Yoast SEO Premium has unique generative AI features to help write awesome titles and meta descriptions.

  • Elevate user experience: Yoast SEO paves the way for an exceptional website experience. Engage your audience with intuitive site breadcrumbs, fast loading times, and great content!


Yoast SEO helps you do WordPress SEO in many ways. Let’s take a look!


Setting up your Yoast SEO plugin is smooth, hassle-free, and doesn’t require any advanced knowledge! Our step-by-step first-time configuration walks you through the essentials, helping you get your SEO up and running quickly.

You’ll be prompted to fill in key details about your site during the setup. This enables Yoast SEO to translate all this information into structured data, which helps search engines better understand your content and website!

Are you already using another SEO plugin? No worries! Transitioning from other plugins to Yoast SEO is a breeze. We’ve designed it to be seamless, ensuring you don’t lose critical data.

Connecting your site to vital webmaster tools like Google’s Search Console usually requires technical know-how. But with Yoast SEO, that’s a thing of the past. Our integration simplifies the process, making it something you can do in less than 5 minutes. Of course, we’ll guide you along the way!


Although technical optimization is a big part of SEO, it’s not easy.
Yoast understands that only some people who work on SEO are experts or have the time to dive into the technical aspects of a website. That’s why Yoast SEO handles much of the technical optimization, freeing up your time to work on other parts of your website, like writing awesome content that attracts visitors.

  • Get automated technical SEO improvements, like optimized meta tags, right out of the box.

  • Add canonical URLs to tell search engines which content they should show when you have pages with similar content.

  • Get advanced XML sitemaps, making it effortless for search engines to understand your site structure and index your web pages effectively.

  • Elevate your brand presence with customizable titles and meta description templating, ensuring consistent and compelling search result snippets that drive click-through rates.

  • Get best-in-class Schema.org structured data integration, significantly increasing your chances of getting visually rich search results that attract more users.

  • Take complete control over your site’s breadcrumbs, allowing visitors and search engines to navigate your website seamlessly.

  • Significantly improves your website’s loading times, courtesy of Yoast SEO’s innovative data management techniques tailored for WordPress.

  • [Advanced] Yoast SEO comes with a wide range of crawl settings that optimize how search engines crawl your site and reduce its carbon footprint. This lowers your site’s environmental impact and contributes to a sustainable web.


Unlock the full potential of your content with Yoast SEO’s state-of-the-art content analysis. Crafting compelling content becomes easier with Yoast SEO’s suite of features designed to help you increase your website’s content performance.

  • Leverage detailed SEO analysis that guides you toward creating SEO-friendly content, allowing you to target the right keywords and boost your visibility in search results.

  • Drive engagement and enhance readability with the integrated readability analysis. Ensure your content is clear, concise, and effortlessly readable by humans and search engines alike.

  • To effectively cater to a global audience, benefit from Yoast SEO’s full language support for English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic, Swedish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Turkish, Czech, Norwegian, Slovak, and Greek.

  • Preview your content as it will appear in search results directly within Yoast SEO, even on mobile devices. This helps you to fine-tune your meta titles and descriptions to maximize click-through rates.

  • Enable your HowTo content to be displayed in search results by using the innovative Schema structured data blocks for the WordPress block editor

  • A dedicated breadcrumbs block ensures your users always know their location within your website.

  • Embrace inclusivity in your content creation process with the inclusive language analysis. This optional feature analyzes your text and provides suggestions to make your content more inclusive and considerate of different audiences. By using inclusive language, you can create a welcoming environment and ensure your content resonates with diverse groups of people.

  • Seamlessly do keyword research right within the plugin with the Semrush integration. Find out what related keywords people are searching for, so you can optimize your content to reach more audiences.

  • Track your rankings in Yoast SEO with the Wincher integration. Yoast SEO and Wincher show how your content and keywords rank in Google. So that you immediately know if your optimizations are paying off or if you need to take more action!

  • Are you using Elementor to build your website? No worries because Yoast SEO integrates with Elementor. Take advantage of all Yoast SEO’s benefits within your favorite website builder!

  • Yoast SEO Premium even has advanced AI features, helping you write titles and meta descriptions at the touch of a button thanks to generative AI. We don’t use a credit system for this, so this artificial intelligence tool is free to use once you have Yoast SEO Premium.


Yoast SEO empowers you to keep your website in perfect shape, regardless of your role or expertise:

  • Fine-tune your website’s engine, allowing you to focus on creating engaging and valuable content. With Yoast SEO, technical optimization becomes effortless, allowing you to prioritize what truly matters.

  • Structure your website easily using Yoast SEO’s cornerstone content features, enabling search engines to understand and index your most important pages effectively.

  • Translate valuable content into structured data where applicable, allowing search engines to fully comprehend your website’s meaning and context.

  • Streamline collaboration and empower your team with SEO roles, granting specific access to colleagues and stakeholders. Efficiently manage your SEO strategy and ensure everyone is aligned toward achieving optimal results.

  • Yoast SEO includes a powerful front-end SEO inspector that allows you to preview and fine-tune the SEO settings directly on your website’s front end. With this intuitive tool, you can easily optimize elements such as meta titles, meta descriptions, URL slugs, robots meta tags, and structured data by seeing their appearance in real-time.

  • Yoast SEO has a regular 2-week update cycle, ensuring you always stay up-to-date with the latest development and updates from search engines.


Yoast SEO seamlessly integrates with various themes, plugins, and tools to enhance the user experience and improve your WordPress SEO workflow.

  • Leverage Yoast SEO’s optimized compatibility with the WordPress block editor (or ‘Gutenberg’ editor) for a seamless content creation experience.

  • Take your storytelling to the next level with Google’s Web Stories plugin, allowing you to create captivating and interactive web stories.

  • Utilize the full potential of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin when combined with the ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO plugin, enriching your content with structured data while reaping the benefits of Yoast SEO’s powerful analysis.

  • Seamlessly integrate Yoast SEO with the Elementor website builder, empowering you to optimize your stunning designs effectively.

  • Elevate your site search quality with Algolia integration, ensuring users can effortlessly find the content they want.

  • Utilize the WordProof plugin, which adds timestamps to your content, proving ownership and establishing credibility.

  • Combine Yoast SEO with Semrush, a leading SEO tool. Access comprehensive keyword data directly within Yoast SEO, empowering you to supercharge your SEO strategy with data-driven insights.

  • Connect your Yoast SEO plugin with Wincher, a powerful SEO tracking tool. Monitor your keyword rankings, and track your website’s visibility in search results. Stay on top of your SEO performance and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s ranking.

Choose Yoast SEO for unparalleled compatibility with your preferred tools and seamless integration into your existing WordPress setup.